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​WELCOME to ​Mascot Seniors

 Activity / Leisure Centre  re opens 13th Jan 25


 Come and join our Centre and help us continue this wonderful tradition that has provided so many with long standing friendships, mind and body activities to keep us fit and healthy.


 A place for you to meet new friends, learn a new craft, be active or just visit for a "cuppa and a chat."  Opening hours Mon-Fri 10 am - 4 pm.

Our aim is having a place to relax, enjoy the company of others and doing activities that keep us alert and fit. Being active and getting connected is what we hope to achieve.


Isolation in our local community and beyond is very common with our ageing population. Our committee is aware that many seniors in our community may experience loneliness, or isolation. If you know of anyone in your neighbourhood who you may think would benefit in participating in any of our activities at the Mascot Seniors please encourage them to come along.


We are now open 5 days a week from 10.00am. We have added more activities to our program. The on-going support of the Bayside Council is acknowledged with thanks.


We are gaining great support from our local business houses and more importantly gained our members confidence that the Mascot Seniors is moving ahead.  




10.00 am



12.00 - 1.00 pm

NEW First Timers Line Dancing Class


1.00 - 2.00 pm

Usual Line Dancing Class for established Beginners


Annette Gardner

SEE Us on MGM PR0perties neighbourhood blog

HERE is the link.


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